Woman2Woman Mini-Retreat
“What Are You Hungry For?”
Saturday, August 10
Travel plans:
- Caravan from church, meeting at NWBC parking lot for an 8:00 AM departure. We will adjourn after lunch.
- Meet at Concordia University by 8:35 AM in the CCES building. Concordia campus map
- Enter Concordia University’s campus from Highland Road.
- Travel along the lake to the north east corner of campus
- Parking is available across from and around the CCES building
- Enter the CCES building and head upstairs (elevator available)
Payment ($20/ea or $45/family)
- Online
- Cash
- Checks – make out to Northwest Baptist Church with memo line: W2W Ministry
Items to bring:
- Bible & pen
- Comfortable shoes (there will be time to seek out a secluded place for prayer and reflection)
- A heart prepared through prayer
We will provide:
- Coffee, muffins, fruit
- Box lunch
- Journal
Questions? Contact Bonnie Lee at blee@northwestbaptistchurch.com.