Announcements & Updates for Sunday, July 21, 2024

  1. Summer Soccer Camp – Kids in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to Soccer Camp at Northwest on July 22-25 from 9:00-11:30 AM. There, they will learn about soccer, practice drills, play games, and more. Lunch will be provided for children who are registered for both Soccer Camp and Vacation Bible School. Register for soccer camp at
  2. Vacation Bible School – Kids in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to Breaker Rock Beach Vacation Bible School! At VBS, kids will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true, and what God says is true. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock. VBS will be held at Northwest on July 22-25 from 1:30-4:00 PM. Lunch will be provided for kids registered for both Soccer Camp and VBS. Register at Contact Kristine Purcell if you have questions:
  3. Men’s Retreat – This year we are staying local. We will meet at the church on Friday, August 2 at 5:00 PM for dinner, fun, and time in God’s word. Saturday’s program starts with breakfast at 8:00 AM and goes through dinner. Our guest speaker will be Pastor Gary Harrison. The cost of this year’s retreat is $45/each or $100/family. The registration deadline is Sunday, July 28. Register today in the foyer or online at Pay online at Please feel free to invite friends and family, 12 years old and up.
  4. Revive Our Hearts Livestream – Lorie Hegwood will be hosting the Revive Our Hearts: Overcoming Lies Leaders Believe livestream for ladies at her home on Tuesday, August 6 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Learn more by picking up a flyer in the foyer. Register in the foyer if attending. Contact Lorie Hegwood if you have questions.
  5. Women’s Mini Retreat – The Woman2Woman Ministry will host a half-day retreat on Saturday, Aug. 10th at Concordia University’s beautiful, lakeside campus. Meet at church at 8:00 am to caravan or on the campus in Mequon at 8:35 am. We will feast on God’s word, in a large group and in small groups. And we will have time to explore the campus’ walking paths, ponds, and the lakeside bluff, finding the right spot privately to pray, journal, and reflect. All women beginning with Youth Group are welcome. Cost is $20/ea or $45/max/family. Register today in the foyer or online at Pay online at
  6. Children’s Ministry – Children’s Ministry is looking for volunteers to help in all areas: Nursery, classroom, check-in desk, etc. If you are interested in helping in children’s ministry, sign up at the table in the foyer. See Kristine Purcell if you have questions.
  7. Prayer Walk & Neighborhood Fellowship – We will be gathering on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM, June 18-August 6 to walk the neighborhood, pray for our neighbors, share the gospel with them and invite them to church. For those who do not wish to walk the neighborhood, there is an opportunity to stay behind at the church and pray for those going out into the neighborhood and prepare the food for the neighborhood fellowship. See Lorie Hegwood if you have questions.
  8. Wednesday Night Prayer – Join us on Wednesday evenings in the Administration Building as we pray for Christ’s active presence in our church and our community. We are now gathering at 6:00 PM instead of 6:30 PM.
  9. Prayer Requests – If you are in need of prayer, know someone who is in need of prayer, or have a praise you would like to share, we would love to pray for you. Prayer requests can be submitted using our online prayer request form at Requests are sent directly to our pastors.
  10. RightNow Media – Through Northwest and RightNow Media, you now have free, unlimited access to over 20,000 Christian discipleship videos for kids, youth and adults. If you didn’t receive an invite email or are visiting with us today, visit to sign up!
  11. Churchwide Emails – Our churchwide emails keep you updated on important information and upcoming events/activities at Northwest. Visit to subscribe!
  12. Giving at Northwest:
      – Online: Visit our online giving page at
      – In Person: Tithes/offerings can be left in the offering box by the sanctuary exit door.


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