Announcements & Updates for Sunday, February 9, 2025

  1. Missions Meeting – The February 15 Missions Meeting has been canceled due to inclement weather. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 15 at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
  2. Movie & Discussion Night – Northwest Baptist Church invites you to a night at the movies! On Saturday, February 22, we will be showing The Forge (2024) in the chapel. The Forge, a spin-off of War Room, is a Christian drama that follows a young man who joins a vibrant men’s ministry and the impact it has on him and his family. A potluck dinner will be served at 5:30 PM. Feel free to bring a dish to pass. The movie will begin at 6:00 PM, immediately followed by small group discussion. Contact Peter Davis if you have questions.
  3. Explorers Group – This 5-week class is open to all and is a welcoming place for those seeking more information about our congregation’s beliefs and practices and for current church members who would like to reexamine these foundational topics. Explorers Group begins with a welcome session on Sunday, February 23 at 9:00 AM in the Chapel Building. For those interested in pursuing church membership, a four-week membership class will follow on Sundays at 9:00 AM, March 2-23 in the Chapel Building. The membership class is taught by our three pastors, Pastors Springer, Rogers, and Gaethke. Register for Explorers Group at the table in the foyer or online.
  4. Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed – Our children’s ministry is seeking volunteers for the following: Teaching Sunday School, Teaching Assistant, Children’s Church, Nursery, and Check-in Desk. If you are interested in working in Children’s Ministry, leave your information on the sheet in the foyer. Contact Aimee Frost if you have questions.
  5. Wednesday Night Prayer – Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Education Building as we pray for Christ’s active presence in our church and our community.
  6. The Disciple’s Path – Northwest has launched the next phase in the Disciple’s Path, our effort to help everyone intentionally grow to be made more like Jesus. We created an assessment tool that will help you learn where you might be on the six different discipleship pathways: Christian Community, Sharing Jesus, Bible Engagement, Gifted Service, Worship, and Spiritual Disciplines. It takes just a few minutes to complete, and results are generated within a week and are kept confidential. Click here to take the assessment.
  7. RightNow Media – Northwest has partnered with RightNow Media, giving you free, unlimited access to over 20,000 Christian discipleship videos for kids, youth and adults! Visit to learn more and to sign up for an account.
  8. Prayer Requests – If you are in need of prayer, know someone who is in need of prayer, or have a praise you would like to share, we would love to pray for you. Prayer requests can be submitted using our online prayer request form at Requests are sent directly to our pastors.
  9. Churchwide Emails – Our churchwide emails keep you updated on important information and upcoming events/activities at Northwest. Visit to subscribe!
  10. Giving at Northwest:
      – Online: Visit our online giving page at
      – In Person: Tithes/offerings can be left in the offering box by the sanctuary exit door.


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